Como eu analiso jogos nas apostas esportivas?
Uma tarefa importante para quem está no mercado das apostas esportivas é saber fazer as análises das partidas de futebol. Pois, é através das análises que você consegue identificar erros e melhorias para sempre otimizar as suas estratégias e ter um bom retorno sobre o investimento.
Contudo, é comum ter dificuldade de fazer essa parte e eu sei que muitos apostadores não gostam de analisar as partidas.
Porém a análise é indispensável para quem quer ganhar dinheiro com futebol. Por isso, eu preparei algumas dicas para você começar a colocar em prática.
Como fazer as análises das partidas de futebol
Em primeiro lugar, é necessário decidir os critérios que devem ser levados em consideração e que são verdadeiramente importantes para serem trabalhados.
Dentro de uma partida, há inúmeros itens que podem ser observados.
Os quais podem ou não ser critérios para analisar. Como, por exemplo:
- Número de escanteios;
- Posse de bola;
- Chutes ao gol.
Existe um sistema de fairlines, que resumidamente é um sistema de precificação.
Neste sistema é possível verificar alguns critérios, como força, tática, técnica, desfalques das equipes, must win, shape, dentre outros.
No geral, a maior parte das análises são subjetivas. Portanto, o que um apostador analisa em uma partida, pode ser diferente do que você analisará.
Há vários vieses de análise baseado em números. Além disso, há outro viés baseado no shape, como a forma que a equipe joga e como ela se comporta em campo. Por fim, há também análises baseadas em outros dados.
Então há diversas opções do que poderá ser levando ou não em conta nos critérios adotados na análise de cada pessoa.
Independente do critério e dos dados usados para sua análise, você precisa chegar em um método. E para encontrar um método, você precisará testar seus critérios, verificando se eles fazem ou não sentido e se estão sendo bem direcionados para o jogo.
Como verificar se os critérios que utilizo estão adequados?
Para validar seus critérios, você precisa verificar se o que analisou está condizente com a partida. Um exemplo disso é que se você está utilizando os chutes a gol como dado a ser analisado, você pode concluir que o Flamengo, por exemplo, seja favorito para vencer a partida quando observa que a quantidade de chutes a gol esperada para um determinado jogo está relativamente alta.
Identificar valor na partida
A segunda etapa é identificar se o preço oferecido pelas casas de apostas tem valor.
A princípio, é necessário verificar se a cotação oferecida está ou não correta.
Imagine que a sua análise apontou um valor justo de 2,20 para um jogo do Corinthians, por exemplo. Porém, na casa de aposta tem a odd de 2,50.
Portanto, com isso, podemos constatar que a probabilidade que você acha que o Corinthians tem de ganhar o jogo é diferente da probabilidade apontada pela casa de apostas.
Com isso, você tem 0,30 de diferente entre o valor que você constatou e o valor oferecido. Logo, você tem +EV. Ou seja, você tem uma aposta de valor na sua mão.
Saber se o preço do evento analisado está ou não desajustado é um desafio de muito valor para os apostadores. E você também deve comprar as odds com o preço que você encontrou.
Lembrando que é importante usar o método de +EV e nunca fazer as apostas na base do achismo. Pois trabalhando sem um método inteligente, dificilmente você será um apostador lucrativo.
Quando realizar a aposta?
A terceira etapa é definir o melhor momento para colocar sua aposta. É necessário pegar o preço no auge para bater a linha de fecho, as close odds, com bastante qualidade.
A linha de fecho é o pico de maior valor que a odd alcançou. Em outras palavras, se você acompanhar o mercado, será possível identificar estes momentos de alta.
Consequentemente, fazendo as apostas nesses momentos, estará pegando um valor +EV de acordo com a sua precificação. Desta forma, maximizando seus ganhos.
Se quiser saber mais sobre o momento de colocar sua aposta, tempos conteúdos sobre Early bet, Today bet e Live bet que serão muito úteis para esta etapa.
As etapas para o sucesso nas apostas
Sob o mesmo ponto de vista, nestas três etapas, mostro um pouco sobre precificação, gestão de banca e mindset. E essas etapas são muito importantes para o sucesso dentro do mundo das apostas esportivas.
Além de ser importante, cada uma tem a sua devida relevância dentro da análise da partida.
Dessa forma, é fundamental que você encontre qual é a melhor maneira de definir seus critérios e métodos. De forma que seja mais adequado para você.
Além disso, é indispensável que seja feita a análise corretamente, independente de qual forma ela será feita. Sempre pensando no longo prazo.
Quer continuar aprendendo mais sobre como ter sucesso nas apostas esportivas?
Então, faça como os 3% dos apostadores lucrativos e comece a se especializar agora mesmo.
Por isso, faça parte do meu grupo exclusivo para receber conteúdos de apostas esportivas profissionais.
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If there is a tie for the highest ranking hand, then the pot will be split evenly between the players who have the tied hands. The most important thing to remember when beginning to learn this game is that you get 7 cards to pick from to make your final 5 card hand, and you can use two different sets of five cards to make a high hand and a low hand. In other words, if your final seven cards are Ace-Ace-2-3-4-6-6, you would have a high hand of two pair: Aces & 6s, and a low hand of Ace-2-3-4-6. The issue is: The explanation for cheating really doesn’t make sense, even with the most generous reading. Let’s assume Adelstein is correct when he asserts that Robbi knew his hand, which influenced her decision making. It doesn’t change the fact they were both holding trash. Sure, Garrett’s brand of trash was a little better, but it was still garbage. Knowing the hand had no influence over the flop, or the continuing increasing risk which left Robbi still at a disadvantage all the way up to the River.
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The major difference between Bitcoin poker and regular online poker is the deposit currency and wager currency (in some cases). Bitcoin poker relies on crypto deposits and then uses either a proxy token or converts to some other currency to pay for access to tables or Video Poker. So basically, the first bitcoin poker site came out in 2011 (Seals With Clubs) and still continues to this day (albeit under the new name SwC Poker). In 2014 the more established sportsbooks and poker sites started to join the party by adding bitcoin cryptocurrency as an option in their cashiers. To get started, you’ll need to find a reputable poker site that accepts Ethereum. Once you’ve registered an account on such a platform, you can usually deposit Ethereum into your poker wallet and use it to play poker games. Remember that the availability of cryptocurrencies like Ethereum may vary from one poker site to another, so it’s important to choose a platform that aligns with your preferences and offers the games and features you desire.
Compare the Brooklyn Nets – Cleveland Cavaliers betting odds and win more on Basketball. Both teams need a win here after opening the Las Vegas circuit with losses. A poor shooting performance from the Knicks led to a 110-101 loss to the Philadelphia 76ers yesterday. Meanwhile, the Nets fell 101-97 to the Cleveland Cavaliers after a total collapse in the fourth quarter. The NBA League Pass connects its global community and offers hundreds of live games on several devices, but does it cover the postseason? Let’s take a look Final Nets Over-Under Win Total Prediction & Pick for 2023 The Knicks can hang in this one but they’ll have to match the Nets’ firepower. Brooklyn’s defense shouldn’t do too much to scare New York, but the same can be said about New York’s defense slowing down Kevin Durant, James Harden, and co.
Media companies mainly want to cater to casual gamers — those willing to plunk down $10 to $20 on a game — rather than the frequent gamblers who make big, risky bets. Think of something more akin to people who play “Clash of Clans” than Adam Sandler’s problem gambler character in “Uncut Gems.” Part of Fox’s strategy is to convert users of the free-to-play Fox Bet Super 6 app, which allows viewers to make game predictions for cash prizes — into real-money bettors. Today, ESPN and PENN Entertainment announced an agreement to launch a branded sportsbook, ESPN BET. ESPN has increased its integration of odds into their programming over the past few years, but this represents a huge commitment from the company towards becoming an industry leader in sports betting.
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Durante a tarde, o influenciador Carlinhos Maia também postou um vídeo falando sobre seu trabalho de influencer para a plataforma de apostas online. “Pra você que tá em casa: se você não tem cabeça, não jogue! Se você não consegue se controlar na cachaça, não beba! O mundo, as pessoas, sempre vão estar influenciando você pra alguma coisa. Se eu disser: ‘pule do penhasco’, você vai pular porque eu tô dizendo a você? Não! Vai dizer, ‘ah me influenciou’. Eu não jogo. Eu divulgo, mas não jogo’. Para configurar essa função, basta clicar no botão “Auto” na seção de apostas. A partir daí, defina o valor da aposta e ative o botão “Auto Bet” (Aposta automática). Polícia investiga plataforma online que controla o jogo do aviãozinho
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Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. Find over 480 slot games at Tipico Casino, a collection from various software providers. Tipico Casino is yet another online gaming site in New Jersey, a market that is already filled with options. How does Tipico stand out above the rest? Tipico promises ‘live bets like never before’ and targets fans of football, tennis, basketball, ice hockey and every other major sport. From the Premiership to the Bundesliga and from Serie A to La Liga, top-flight football is a mainstay at Tipico and responsible for a significant chunk of the firm’s business. You might not have heard of Tipico US before, but it’s worth noting that this is a long-established German sports betting brand that recently opened up in New Jersey. The brand has offices in Hoboken and has partnered up with the Oceans Casino and Resort in Atlantic City. All of this has been legally carried out thanks to the full US regulation from the New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement. Plus the great news is that Tipico US will soon be open for business in Colorado. The brand announced a partnership with Century Casinos for licensing and will be regulated by the Colorado Division of Gaming.
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This is a broad category, but we like to see legal sportsbooks and sports betting apps that push the envelope to deliver a fantastic experience to sports bettors. Some of the features we look for include a mobile app, competitive odds pricing, a variety of betting markets, live betting, early cash out, streaming options, poker and casino offerings, and responsible gambling features. Who It’s Best For: Yahoo! Sports app is a solid choice for all sports fans, with added features for casual bettors. Up to date news, info and the ability to track your favorite teams or bets keeps you in the game without overloading the casual bettor with too much sports betting centric content. Dating back to the 1660s, horse racing is one of the oldest sports in the US and has a very close relationship with betting. Major US horse racing events throughout the year include the Kentucky Derby, Preakness Stakes, Belmont Stakes and the Breeders’ Cup World Championships. Beyond free bets, horse racing is the ideal sport for picking up different betting bonuses. Best odds guaranteed is a particularly popular offer which allows bettors to get the best odds even if they improve after the bet is placed.
Betnumbers offers free daily bet tips on football (soccer) games all over the world with over 65% success rate. BetNumbers predictions today provide valuable analysis to assist football bettors in making informed decisions. Focusing on the current day’s matches, we offer Bet Numbers predictions that are carefully crafted. Our predictions are based on thorough research and statistical analysis. Whether it’s the 1X2 market, over under goals, both teams to score (BTTS), or other popular betting options, BetNumbers Predictions today cover a wide range of markets. Additionally, our team aims to provide users with accurate Betnumbers predictions for today’s matches. © 2017 betnumbers all rights reserved If you are searching for sure football predictions for today then you are at the right place. At focuspredict, we offer our punters soccer predictions for today’s and tomorrow’s games, expert betting tips, match forecasts, and insightful analysis of all games.
Lightning Link pokies from Aristocrat made their in-person casino debut in 2015. They introduced a fresh gaming feature with the ‘Hold and Spin’ bonus. Since then, every slot studio has scrambled to create a variation of this popular feature. **Review, tips to winning, download information and preview of the free online PC, Mac, iPad app, iPhone app, Android app or real money land casino pokies version of Lightning Link Heart Throb Aristocrat slot machine** Progressive Slots – Online progressive slots offer the biggest opportunity for huge payouts. The slots of this type are connected to a network across multiple sites and have numerous players, often thousands, feeding into the jackpot. A percentage of every bet wagered on the game goes into the prize pool increasing the jackpot until a lucky player manages to hit it. The winner can usually expect a massive payday, often passing the million-dollar mark.
There are lots of different kinds of video poker but they all work roughly the same way. You’ll find video poker in real life casinos, often among the slot machines and on the counter at casino bars, as well as at all the best online casinos. Getting started playing video poker is really simple. Just follow these easy steps: Get ready for some high-stakes poker fun with Deuces Wild – Video Poker APK! This game has all your favorite video poker variants like Double Double Bonus… Check: If no other poker player has bet yet and it is your turn, you can decline to bet as well, passing it along to the next person or poker round. This is called a “check”. Back in 2020, 888poker won the Best for Beginners Award. This undoubtedly proves that the platform is suitable for poker newcomers that are yet to garner enough experience. Having launched its mobile services in June 2020, 888poker remains one of the best online poker platforms. Playing poker with friends and showing off poker skills is easy and fun at 888poker. Plus, getting started is an intuitive and accessible process!
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Text messaging will become a key revenue driver for mobile network operators in Africa over the next couple of years. Today, text messaging is already slowly gaining influence in the African market. One such person used text messaging to spread the word about HIV and AIDS. Also, in September 2009, a multi-country campaign in Africa used text messaging to expose stock-outs of essential medicines at public health facilities and put pressure on governments to address the issue. Thankfully, there is an alternative for that too. You can send SMS to email just as easy as you send email to SMS. It takes just a few steps for sending SMS to email. If the problem was with your number, you can ask your friends to do the same after you reset your phone to stop sending messages through your email address. Otherwise, you might want to start chats in a new thread after you get everything sorted out. That way your messages are coming from your phone number instead of spread between two threads. Then, at long last, you will be able to send all your bitmojis and gifs in a consolidated thread once again.
One area constantly being expanded on is game mechanics and features. In the golden age of slots, layers were restricted to 3 reel, 3-row fruit slots, and if they were lucky, maybe something with 5 reels. Nowadays, new online slots come on game grids of all dimensions – some even allow more than one reel set to spin at the same time. Pay ways have blossomed into the hundreds of millions, offering new, exciting ways to win. Players should expect the unexpected when loading a new slot as there is no telling what is going to land on their screen. There are also many specialised game studios like iSoftBet, Lighting Box Games, Thunderkick and SkyWind that although releasing fewer slots every month, still have a big following because of their unique game design, themes and features. If you are interested in new, unique and innovative games aside from the popular classic titles, it’s always best to look into new online slots sites because in many cases they are more open to bringing on board smaller game studios. So make sure you check our reviews of the best new online slot sites in 2024 to always stay informed about what’s new!
Comments from a twitch stream go viral and provide internet with something to talk about regarding the Penguins today. Thank you, Bryan Rust! Game time is 7 p.m. EDT and you can watch on SportsNet Pittsburgh and live stream on ESPN+, fubo TV (FREE trial) and DirecTV Stream (try for free). Everything you need to know about the NHL match between the New York Islanders and the Pittsburgh Penguins, including how to watch and team news. The Chicago Bulls are embarking on a challenging four-game road trip, while the Oklahoma City Thunder are set to take on the Los Angeles Lakers. In addition, Verizon FiOS TV customers who subscribe to HBO have on-demand access to the HBO series, “24 7: Road to the Winter Classic,” which followed the Pittsburgh Penguins and Washington Capitals in the run-up to the big game on New Year’s Day.
Both Qureshi, who is part of the crypto industry, and Dennis Kelleher, a vehement skeptic, believe that bitcoin will only continue to increase in value over the next year. Bitcoin has yet to hit the “halving,” a mechanism built into Bitcoin that aims to make the currency more scarce and thus more valuable. Bitcoin halvings happen roughly every four years, with the next one set for April. Each of the previous three halvings were followed by large jumps in bitcoin’s price, leading people to believe that the same will happen again. After a “crypto winter” that dragged on for more than two years, digital currencies are making a major comeback after regulators approved this year new bitcoin investment funds that makes it easier for mom-and-pop investors to add bitcoin to their portfolios.
The current price of VeThor Token is . This price data is based on the mid price of the exchange data from the Bitbuy API, and may not accurately represent the lowest possible price to buy this coin at this time. Check out Bitbuy Pro Trade to see what you can buy VeThor Token for. Founded in 2016, Crypto is a cryptocurrency exchange aiming to accelerate the world’s transition to cryptocurrency. Crypto offers the option to purchase VTHO, but US residents are restricted from trading here. Based on the technical analysis by cryptocurrency experts regarding the prices of VeThor Token, in 2026, VTHO is expected to have the following minimum and maximum prices: about $0.0096 and $0.0115, respectively. The average expected trading cost is $0.0099. Representatives are available at all times
Criptomonedas desde 1% Descarga Publicación (formato PDF) blockchain btc address 1XPTgDRhN8RFnzniWCddobD9iKZatrvH4?page=18 La voz de los reguladores y autoridades financieras sobre Bitcoin La métrica de dominancia de Bitcoin (BTC) se considera importante por varias razones: Además, existe un mayor interés institucional por parte de los fondos cotizados en la bolsa (ETF) de los EEUU, emitidos por varias gestoras de activo de renombre, que sumaron más de 300.000 unidades de BTC a sus tesoro. Así pues, solo IBIT batió un nuevo récord con 1.300 millones de dólares en volumen comerciado desde su aprobación el pasado 11 de enero. Por favor, deja este campo vacío. Bit2Me es una empresa registrada en Banco de España con el número D592 para servicios de custodia y compra venta de activos digitales.
Hoy en día, se considera que bitcoin es la principal criptomoneda vigente del mundo. Es un criptoactivo que ofrece seguridad contra fraudes digitales por la complejidad de su tecnología y la base de datos encriptada que utiliza para registrar sus transacciones, conocida como blockchain. Además, se considera que BTC es confiable ya que, en 13 años de operación ininterrumpida, no hay registros de fraudes o ciberataques en su red. Cuando el director ejecutivo de Tesla, Elon Musk, anunció en un tuit de febrero que había comprado US$1.500 millones en bitcoin y que planeaba aceptarlo como forma de pago, se disparó el precio de la criptomoneda. Los creadores de noticias influyen cada vez más en los precios de las criptomonedas. Cuando un empresario multimillonario apoya en Twitter una determinada moneda o token, el precio suele subir. Cada vez son más los famosos que promocionan criptomonedas y NFT a millones de seguidores en las redes sociales. Los efectos de estos apoyos en los precios de las criptomonedas no pueden exagerarse. Está atento a las menciones de Bitcoin en las noticias, síguele la pista a BTC en Twitter. Visita la comunidad en línea del proyecto en Discord o en cualquier otro lugar. Cuanto mejor informado estés, mejores decisiones podrás tomar.
World of Warcraft: MMORPG with 8.5 million average monthly players, won Gamer’s Choice Award – Fan Favorite MMORPG, VGX Award for Best PC Game, Best RPG, and Most Addictive Video Game. Features that stood out to me in GameMaker include how it allows you to choose a code or low-code game development experience. This allowed me to learn and scale with the program, starting in low-code mode and moving to pure GameMaker Language (GML) coding as I became more comfortable with the software. I also like the built-in debugger, which allows me to find bugs and coding errors while building the game. Video game developers help transform games from a concept to a playable reality. They do this by coding visual elements, programming features, and testing iterations until a game is ready for market. If you love video games and enjoy working with computers, a career in video game development can be immensely rewarding.
“One day, I met him at the races, and it was love from afar. He liked to bet on horses too, but he never told me what kind of horses they were and which way they would run because that’s how players are – secrets between themselves and their cards! We kept in touch with each other for two years before finally getting back together when we were both in graduate school here; although our paths had already crossed quite a bit by then, having lunch breaks became almost a daily occurrence, with coffee counselling sessions occasionally spilling onto the sidewalks near campus because no one wanted the relationship. Maria Ho is a Taiwanese-American poker player with a net worth of $4 million. Her poker career recently surged with her induction into the Poker Hall of Fame. Ho has won $3 million in tournament earnings during her poker career, including 54 World Series of Poker Cashes. She was also the last female in the 2007 Main Event busting in 38th place. Moreover, she has made it to five World Poker Tour final tables and won several minor events worldwide. Ho also holds hosting and broadcasting credits, and she is the first female strategic commentator and commentator for the Super High Roller Bowl events.
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Get started from your browser O novo programa online chamado “Fintech: Fundamentos e Aplicações de Tecnologias Financeiras”, inclui palestras e estudos de caso sobre temas como pagamentos, criptomoedas, tecnologia blockchain e financiamento coletivo. Swap between tokens, even if they’re on different chains (we make bridging seamless too). Uma baleia de Ethereum (ETH) recentemente enviou um tremor pela comunidade cripto ao transferir uma quantia pesada de US$ 33,55 milhões para a Coinbase. Essa transação, sinalizada pelo Whale Alert, gerou preocupações sobre uma possível venda massiva que poderia provocar uma queda no preço do Ethereum. A Wharton School da Universidade da Pensilvânia introduziu um programa online em tecnologia financeira, incluindo moedas digitais, de acordo com um comunicado de imprensa de 30 de maio.
A forma como o bitcoin foi inventado estabelece que só pode haver 21 milhões de moedas em circulação. Cada uma delas precisa ser “minerada” usando uma rede de computadores voluntários ao redor do mundo. Esses computadores – frequentemente de propriedade de grandes empresas de mineração de bitcoin – atuam como contadores de alta tecnologia, verificando e garantindo o registro das transações de bitcoin. Em troca, os computadores são automaticamente recompensados com bitcoins. Analista financeiro independente, certificado pelo CFA Institute e registado na CMVM. Mestre em Finanças pelo ISEG. Para isso, porém, é necessário bastante conhecimento técnico sobre o assunto. Isso porque é preciso resolver todos os cálculos matemáticos necessários, além de um grande investimento financeiro em equipamentos. Portanto, é algo mais distante para o investidor pessoa física, principalmente os iniciantes.
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Please note, comments must be approved before they are published Most commonly, no deposit bonuses are offered to new players, as casinos use them as an incentive to motivate new players to sign up and start playing. However, many casinos also offer free no deposit bonuses to existing players, usually to reward them as part of their loyalty scheme or during special promotional events. We at CasinoAlpha rate this bonus as excellent for the fact that it offers 100 free spins with no wagering and zero investment. Even though the max cashout is only $5.9, this is a great deal for a no deposit bonus. Keep in mind that this bonus will be available as 100 free spins upon registration on the Fortune Jack Casino website. To withdraw the bonus you will have to deposit the exact amount you have won with the free spins.
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Near misses: Why we keep playing when we (almost) won The world football soccer predictions come from my rankings that take scores in international matches and adjust for opponent. One of the World’s most famous football prediction platforms is BetExplorer. It was formerly known as ‘Soccervista’ and took root in 1999. It became the go-to sports wagering guide platform for Europeans. As of March 2021, over 3,900,000 guests have visited the website. It means they’ve devoted time and efforts to providing soccer enthusiasts with relevant information from over three hundred leagues. For a one stop shop for all your betting requirements you can visit Soccertipsters.net. Think of Google but for finding the right tips and predictions for the match you are interested in. You get live score updates, predictions and tips for different markets and, you could subscribe to the right experts who provide you with their betting advice. All their soccer betting tipsters are genuine as they regularly deploy mechanisms to identify fraudulent ‘experts’ and block them immediately.
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For a dainty, thin line opt for this small felt tip pen from NYX cosmetics. Halsey’s About-Face is no stranger to picking up Best of Beauty Awards — the brand’s Matte Fluid Eye Paints were an incredibly worthy winner last year — so it’s no surprise that the Line Artist gel eyeliners knocked it out of the park and picked up a 2022 award only months after their launch. We fell head over heels for the Brights collection, in particular — a set of eight highly pigmented, matte gel liners in a rainbow of bright, curated shades. The most common formulas you’ll discover when shopping for eyeliner are liquid, gel, and pencil. However, our guide also includes the SUVA Hydra Liners that feature a powder-to-liquid finish. Although we didn’t include true pencils, these are the most basic option and can be ideal for beginners. These days, true pencils have somewhat fallen out of favor because they tend to be the driest and most likely to cause skipping or dragging against your skin when you apply them.
18.3K views|kill bill x sza – michelle pham Apply directly to skin to draw precise lines and imaginative body art. Use a stencil to create temporary tattoos! 53 followers • 10 videos I really do not understand the hate for this product. It is water proof! Meaning it will not come off. If you’re looking for a liner that does come off easily then it is not for you. I find using oil based cleaners does the job. I use baby oil and it works like a charm. I swear by this liner! I’ve been to lots of concerts and the eyeliner stays put. Love it. I will say just be careful not to get on your lashes cause it can get messy. I can’t resist creating a smoky eye — it’s my go-to for almost every occasion. However, when using powder shadows, the amount of time it takes to blend is a major downside. I never thought I’d be able to achieve the perfect smoke in half the time, until this magic little liner landed in my lap.
The Caribbean islands are usually considered luxury vacation spots. However, there are several resorts and hotels that offer cheap all-inclusive packages. Furthermore, during the low travel season (usually during monsoons), Caribbean hotels and resorts offer lodging at significantly cheaper rates than during the high travel season. Excellence Resorts is thrilled to offer a 25% discount on luxury ground transportation to and from the airport, offered through Seasons Tours. This special offer is available to all guests who book their stay through Excellence Resorts’ suites + flight as of February 14, 2022, designed to make your vacation extraordinary from the moment you arrive. As well as experiences, the islands also differ in cost. Traveling to the Caribbean can be an expensive venture with its all-inclusive resorts, especially during the high season when the region is in great demand. Many islands cater to luxury travel but if you are a budget-conscious traveler, you too can enjoy everything the Caribbean has to offer. It just calls for some careful planning, lots of research and a sense of adventure.
Flexible redemption options The Capital One Venture X Card is an ultra-premium card, so how does that compare to the Capital One Venture Card? The card has a $395 annual fee, so the fee is significantly higher, but it also offers several great perks that should more than justify the annual fee. Among other things, the Venture X offers: Your Venture miles are versatile, unlike some other varieties of points and miles. You can pay for your airline ticket, hotel stay or other qualifying travel expense directly with your Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card and then receive statement credit for the purchase, or you can book travel directly through the Capital One travel portal. In these scenarios, miles are always worth 1 cent each. The Capital One Venture X card is Capital One’s ultra-premium travel rewards credit card. It earns 10x miles on hotels and rental cars purchased through Capital One Travel, 5x miles on flights purchased through Capital One Travel, and 2x miles on all other purchases.